Tuesday, September 28, 2010


Here are a few worksheets I made that I have been meaning to share. On the counting worksheets I use puff paint and add dots to the items that need counting. Works great!

This is the template we used for our tree arts and craft activity. We cut out the tree, pasted it onto construction paper then used ripped construction paper to fill in the tree with color. It was a great tactile/sensory activity.

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  1. Wow...these are great thanks! How do you make your own pdfs? I would someday like to try to make my own to share. Thanks again and have a blessed week.

  2. I don't even use PDF, I use boring old paint to make everything graphic. Sad and not very computer technical but it is all I have..lol Everything down to my banners & buttons were made with paint. I just make them then *try to remember* to save into PNG. Sometimes I forget and save into jpg which kind of fades them a bit.
