Saturday, September 4, 2010

Worksheet Carnival!

As everyone knows I make my own curriculum and because of such I find myself on an endless search of websites that provide fun and exciting worksheets that will keep my 3 & 5 year old interested. Along the way I have swiped pages from tons of sites searching every school night for more. I decided it was time to "collect" websites instead of endlessly searching for something new. Most of the sites I search for are for "kids" so not all of these websites are going to have something for everyone. I rated each site based on search-ability and content. IE: If it was a pain in the butt to search, things popped up in new browsers with every click or if they only had a page or two of worksheets they got a low star count. The sites with the highest star counts are most likely the sites I visit daily but all do have worthwhile FREE worksheets for you to use in your home-school. Enjoy!
1. The Homeschool Helper * * *
2. School Express * * * * *
3. Homeschool Living * *
4. Homeschool Math * * *
5.'s Homeschooling page * * * *
6. TLS Books * * * *
7. Parenting our kids * * *
8. ABC Teach * * * * *
9. Super Teacher Worksheets * * *
10. Beginning Reading * * *
11. EX Sheets * * * *
12. Free Phonic Worksheets * * *
13. * * * *
14. Shirleys preschool activities * *
15. Print Activities * * *
16. Kids Learning Station * * * * *
17. All Kids Network (sister site of Kids learning station) * * * *
18. Kiddy House * * *
19. Preschool Learners * *
20. English 4 kids * *
21. Disney Stationary * *
22. Ziggity Zoom * *
23. Brave Kid Games * *
24. ESL Castle * *
25. Handwriting for Kids * *
26. ESL Kids lab * *
27. Activity School bus * *
28. Black Dog *
29. Just Mommies * *
30. Homeschool Bin * *
31. Pre-K - 8 * * *
32. Printables 4 Kids * * *
33. Lucy Animals *
34. Child Development Blog *
35. Worksheets for Kids *
36. My Worksheets for Kids * *
37. Have fun Teaching * * *
38. Kids Activities Learning Games *
39. Early Children * *
40. Free printable * *
41. MES-English *
42. Teacher planet * *
43. Fun Fonix Make your own Worksheets * *
44. Worksheet Works (make your own) *
45. First School * *
46. Christian Preschool printables * *
47. Lil Bunny Hops *
48 . Activity Coloring Pages *
49. Learning Planet *
50. Under 5 * *

Care to Add to this list? Leave a comment!

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  1. Wow, that's a bunch of great-sounding links! Thanks for sharing. :)

  2. Wow - thanks for sharing! Amazing list.

  3. This is really nice of you to share. I know all this takes time.
    I'll have to share your site with my SIL who has two little ones.
    Blessing to you =)

  4. You are very welcome ladies. I don't see any point in collecting the links unless I share with others. I hope someone can find some use out of them. :-)

    God Bless!
