Monday, September 6, 2010

Enjoying Nature!

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We were planning on going ahead with school today so that Tom who had the day off could sit in and see what we do during the day. I thought it would be a neat experience for the girls to have daddy sit in and help. BUT it was such beautiful day this Labor day Monday and we just could not see being cooped up inside when we could be out enjoying mother nature. After all the temp was under 90, the sun was shaded by light clouds and the wind was slightly blowing making for the perfect day! So we gathered the girls up and headed off to the park. This wasn't just any old park outing however, we went on a NATURE WALK! We explored trees and their many different leaves, the ground, birds, bugs and all nature had to offer. Of course we played on the swings and slide a bit as well but we had the most fun on our long excursion through the wilderness. Well, as "wilderness" as it can get in a city with 800,000 Miriam didn't participate much in our "hunt" , she was in such a foul mood. We tried to get her out of the wagon but her only interest was eating her apple and sitting on her bum. She just threw herself on the ground kicking and screaming until I just said "to heck with it" and just put her back in the wagon to huff and puff. Sometimes she can be absolutely IMPOSSIBLE!

But we did have an interesting thing happen, Miriam actually expressed herself at the playground which she never does. Short of asking for food or drink Miriam never says what she wants. However today while I was walking her up the steps to slide I asked her what she wanted to do to which she replied "I wanna play with Georgia". I was so happy to hear her say that and so was Georgia declaring to her little friend "let's play with sister"! And play she did, she tried to climb the rope with daddy, although she was too scared to go up more than a step or two and she climbed half way up the rock wall for me then back down again. These are such amazing turns of events and so unlike Miriam. This means we are groovin people, we are groovin along and head is it's makin way!

Our walk list consisted of things:
Big, small and smaller
eaten by bugs
that are dry
that are soft
that blooms
is pretty
are bamboo
with moss
have many
are different
that doesn't belong (this was a lesson in not littering)

After our walk we went out for a "healthy" lunch at Mcdonalds. After which we came home to put our findings in our "explore" journal. We had a great day today and learned so much! Today was proof that you don't need to be inside to learn about the world.

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  1. What a cute garden book! My five year old has something like this that he puts his treasures in. :) Glad you all got out and enjoyed the day.

  2. Thank you so much. I just love the idea of kiddos having a little share journal. We use ours for Orientation and Mobility and it works great. :-)

  3. When the weather decides to fine up (I'm in NZ) then I'll definitely take my 3 year old on a nature walk - sounds like alot of fun.

    Hi - new follower from Survey Junkie's blog hop :)

  4. Hi There! I'm a new follower from FMBT. Please stop by and follow me back.

  5. Greetings from a new follower from the hops. Would love for you to follow me too.

  6. Hi There! I'm a new follower from FMBT. Please stop by & check out my blog. I have give aways & a new meme on Monday's called "Monday's Music Moves Me". Maybe you could come join us. Grab our button for a reminder. It's tons of fun. Nice to meet you!

  7. Visiting from Follow Back Tuesday. I am your newest follower. Please stop in and do the same for me:

  8. I love this idea! I am a homeschooler too! I am following you from Follow Me Tuesday, please come visit & follow back! enjoy your week! :)

  9. Looks like the walk was a learning experience in itself and good for Miriam for speaking up and growing. By the way, none of us are normal...smiles. Hello friend, I'm here from the Tuesday blog hop and your newest follower. I love the look of your blog it so nice. I hope you'll come visit and follow me too so we can be blogging friends. Can't have too many of those, right.

  10. Bliggity Blog Hoppin' I'm now following you hope you'll return the favor! Hope you had a great labor day weekendJaMonkey!

  11. Hi there! Looking forward to getting to know you! Hope you can stop by and return the follow!

    Amy @ Render Me Mama

  12. Cute blog! New follower from FMBT.

  13. Wow! What a great idea! I'm your newest follower from FMBT!

    xo - jami
    i m a g i n e
