Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Eclectic Tuesday #1

We had our first Eclectic Tuesday today and while it was not completely "fit free" it was a productive day!

On Today's schedule:

For Alphabet Focus:

We practiced writing the Letters A & B by using finger paints.

Then we worked on an ABC matching worksheet.

Reading Circle:
We started off reading The Berenstain's "A" book which is a family favorite. A little money savings hint should you want to buy it, this book is for sale on Amazon for ONE CENT!. Can't beat a penny book!

Then we read a story from our favorite Children's bible Story book simply titled "Children's Bible Stories from the Old Testament by Golden Book. This is an oldie but goodie. We just love the beautiful illustrations. The stories are short , to the point yet simple enough for children to understand them. Want to buy this classic for your kids? Once again Amazon has it for ONE CENT!


Today we SHOOK OUR sillies out! Click here to shake out your sillies!

Numbers & Counting
Today we counted to 20 using leggo's. We would pick out 5 leggo's at a time stacking them then we would count the total we had stacked until we got to 20 leggos.

We also worked on a worksheet for the numbers 1 & 2.

Arts & Crafts

Today we focused on fall decorating and veining a fall leaf.

We cut the leaves out then colored them. Then using jewelry string we glued on veins. Miriam loved feeling the finished product!

Concepts & Shapes joined Activity

We decided to join our concepts and Shapes activity today. We used playdough to create different shapes in all sorts of different sizes. We worked on 'long, longer, longest', 'smallest, smaller, small' & 'big, bigger, biggest'.

Now I think I need a nap! Where's my pillow?

As always feel free to use the worksheets!

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