Friday, September 3, 2010

At least there was Jewelry!

Today's school day was just plain icky! Everyone was yawning thanks to the dark rainy weather and although we very much needed that rain it did put a damper on our day. How come nobody warned me rainy days would be like this so I could have been prepared for how to handle rainy day lessons? I guess our day could have been worse though, there were no fits, only a few whines here and there, for the most part heads were on shoulders and mommy was declaring it a "SIT UP STRAIGHT" war. In the end however we got all of our lessons done, we learned a few things and ended up with some classy jewelry to boot. A school day is never a waste if it comes with jewels!

Of course the "jewelry" I am talking about is the macaroni jewelry we made during arts and crafts. I am so glad I finally found a use for the "Healthy Harvest" pasta that has been haunting our cabinet for almost a year. I purchased this stuff during a weight watchers stint and I hated it. It might taste like mushy cardboard but it makes for a perfect little hand made necklace!

The most awesome part of this activity besides the fact I have some pretty crafty little ones is that Miriam LOVED making the jewelry. Of course I had to help her string everything as you see in the picture. She had to hold the string and the bead/pasta, and I guided her hands to the right place. She would crack up laughing every time we put the pasta or bead through the string. I think she thought is was funny because the string that came through would tickle her hand. I don't care what it was she got out of it, I am just glad she liked it!

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