Sunday, August 29, 2010

Quiet day!

We have been enjoying our quiet Bramlett Sunday. By back is still pretty torn up so we skipped church. When I wake up in the morning my back feels about as bad as it did the first day it went out and doesn't start feeling better until half way through the day. It makes mornings very hard to say the least. We have just been sitting around talking, playing and watching TV, pretty much having a classic lazy Sunday afternoon which has been a nice change. Tom did however go mow the yard which was much needed since we haven't been able to do recess time all week for school. I am going to enjoy going outside for Gym and recess this week. I have all kinds of things planned like soccer, T-ball and kickball.

Earlier today I spent about 20 minutes making the Duggar's liquid laundry soap. It was actually a nice relaxing experience. The soap smells like HEAVEN in fact our entire house smells like it has been scrubbed down. I have a more detailed post of this project coming tomorrow once the soap has set for 24 hours and I have tried it out. I have heard experiences from several people though and they say it is an excellent alternative to store bought soap.

Anyway, I think I am going to go print off some worksheets for tomorrow & clean up my kitchen so I can get dinner ready. We are having Chili Dogs and Oven fries. Yum Yum!

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