Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Busy, busy getting ready for school!

Since I had the appendectomy the week I was planning on starting school we postponed things until our local school starts which is Monday. Things around the house are a little crazy right now trying to get everything together to start a new classroom. We have books, school supplies, craft projects and ideas coming out the wazoo! My head is constantly coming up with something new to do. As a matter of fact Tom and I had a discussion about where would be the best place to have our homeschool and we decided to have a dedicated room. So we will be moving out of the master bedroom, into Sophia and Georgia's room and having the girls share a room until we move to Oregon where we will seek out a home with homschooling space. Miriam REALLY needs the contact because since we moved Georgia in with Sophia she has become such a little recluse and we DO NOT want that. We think this might help to solve the problem of her being antisocial. We chose our bedroom because of the access to the back yard and the bathroom. I think is would so be much easier to really focus on potty training Miriam during school hours if the bathroom was not down the hall. Miriam has a tendency to "roam" and in our room everything is easily accessible with no place to roam. We can also lock it off during the day and have more room to store supplies. It is kind of tough giving up our big old room for a small one but if it helps our kids to learn by having a dedicated space then we will live. We don't do anything in our room anyway.

Anyway, I am sad to say I do not have much else to report other than that..lol I have made our daily Curriculum. The activities will change daily but the schedule is set. I have to go buy a dry erase board so I can take this schedule and make it big. I will use velcro for the days of the week. I will be doing the same kind of thing with a calendar. I will seriously be implementing the braille embosser and I am excited to put my braille skills to the test!


Back (to be done during naptime, it is for Miriam only)

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