Sunday, September 6, 2009

Sunday funday! (pic

Normally on Sunday we would be sitting in church and enjoying our time worshiping Heavenly father with our church family but today we had a change of plans. Miriam has had a rash from an allergic reaction she has been having from dye. She woke up this morning and the rash was so bad it was bleeding. She was grumpy, loud and in pain so we decided church would not be a good place for Miriam today. Instead we gathered up a snack for the girls, Georgia's new Soccer ball we got from Ross for 4 bucks, our Scriptures and headed over to Old Settlers park in Round Rock. It was just such a beautiful day that we absolutely had to enjoy every second of it!

We took a nice stroll through the park, let the girls play a bit on the playground then sat down for their snacks. We found a cozy little shaded area just off the lake where we read scriptures and tried to teach Georgia how to play Soccer for the first time. We had such a wonderful family day!

And please ignore the fact that Tom and I are wearing the same clothes from date night. I spent my morning doing laundry and somehow we BOTH ended up choosing the same thing. Amazing how when you have been together as long as we have you start to share a brain.

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